Additional Resources

Portage District Library

The Library PASS is a joint project between the Portage District Library and Portage Public Schools to allow students to use their Student ID number as a public library card, eliminating barriers to access and promoting student success by complementing school curricula and resources with public library physical and digital resources.

Each Portage Public School student is given a Student ID number when enrolled in Portage Public Schools. That Student ID number is now their Portage District Library card number as well. To borrow physical materials at the library, students can type their Student ID number into the self checkout machines. To access digital materials, visit the PDL Digital Library and use your Student ID number when asked for a library card number.

The PIN number is the last four digits of the phone number on the student’s account at PPS.

With the Library PASS, students have the same access to digital services such as Hoopla, OverDrive/Libby, and Freegal as other resident cardholders.

Free Images

ImageQuest *Password is available from your ELA teacher or librarian*

Advanced google image search (filter by usage rights)

Classroom Clipart (free images)

Clipart ETC (free clipart)

Noun Project (free and paid icons)

Pikiwizard (free stock photos)

Photos for Class (free photos)

Pixabay (free images)

Unsplash (free images)

Pics 4 Learning (free images)

Wikimedia Commons (free images, sound, and videos)